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Inspirational Women Q&A: Suzy Orr, Unique Ladies Networking UK

Suzy Orr

Suzy Orr is Chief Unique Lady at female-focused networking group, Unique Ladies. Suzy shares some tips and advice from her inspirational Lancashire woman in business story.

What does your business do?

We are a women-only group of inspirational networkers, offering support, motivation and connections across the region and further afield.

Why did you start your own business?

I felt, and still feel, that women needed a place to network in a different way to what was on offer. To enable us not to be obligated to be ‘suited and booted’ and to be allowed to grow our businesses as women.

What has been your biggest business breakthrough?

Growing the business to the point which allowed us to franchise the operation.

What has been your proudest achievement in your business?

Realising that these groups have actually changed lives, in some cases contributing to saving a life. That’s serious stuff, from simply supporting, listening and being a safe space.

What is the most effective support or guidance you have received?

From every single lady who has ever been to one of our sessions, that it is ok not to be ok, and together is far better.

What keeps you going when things are tough?

It’s not about me, it’s about all those women out there that need these groups.

What are your best 3 tips for maintaining your wellbeing?

Get a dog, walk the dog and enjoy the beautiful countryside we have in Lancashire (without your phone!).

What advice would you give to a female entrepreneur starting a business?

Come to a Unique Ladies Network. Listen to women who have been there, share your fears, don’t be scared of collaboration. You can do this! Website: www.uniqueladies.co.uk


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