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Lancashire manufacturers urged to take advantage of funded digital adoption programme

The Manufacturing Connect programme

Manufacturers in Lancashire are being advised to take advantage of funded support to help them understand new business technologies to boost performance and productivity. The Manufacturing Connect programme is part funded by BEIS and Innovate UK and available through Boost; Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub.

It is a partnership between Edge Hill, the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (NW), and Manchester Metropolitan University aiming to drive up the adoption rates of productivity-boosting digital technologies in SME manufacturers. The short, intensive scheme focuses on customer relationship management, resource management and production planning. It takes approximately five hours to complete over a three-week cycle.

The programme will help companies develop a clear business case for adopting digital technologies and connect them with funding options to help investment costs and high quality, local technology specialists. Through the process, SMEs will be supported with content using authentic case studies from other manufacturing SMEs. Questions will be asked about the SME throughout to help it reflect on the issues which may be affecting business performance. Manufacturing Connect involves a three-stage Adoption Sprint Process:

  • One-to-one diagnostic with a digital adoption specialist
  • Enrolment onto the Connect To Grow virtual session
  • Enrolment onto the Growth Demonstrator virtual session

For more information, businesses can visit the Manufacturing Connect page on the Boost website or contact Boost directly.


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Funded by local govmt
Department for Trade and Business
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